Friday 29 November 2013

Custom WMI Class in SCCM 2012 for Hardware Warranty Information Part 2

In part 1 I covered how to create the new WMI class on each device and the powershell script used to interrogate the HP site and obtain warranty details and save to CSV files.

Part 2 here now covers using these CSV files and using a baseline item to read the CSV file and put the values back into the devices.

On the Primary Server I created a folder under INETPUB\WWWROOT called WarrantyDetails. Since IIS is always running on the CAS and Primary Servers, and to cater for any devices talking to SCCM, whether they are domain joined or DMZ/remote machines, we decided to use BITS for the transfer of the CSV file back from the SCCM servers to the individual devices.

So, as per Part 1, we want to create a new baseline item that gets the CSV file from the server, reads it, and fills in the blank WMI Class fields for Warranty Info and Warranty Date. Follow the instructions in Part for the creation of the baseline item. The detection and remediation scripts are below:

Discovery Script (Script Language : Powershell)

# If virtual then just say its compliant, there won't be any warranty details, otherwise if physical, force it to try warranty check

if ((Get-WmiObject Win32_ComputerSystem).model -match "VMWare")
    $WarrantyCheck = 1
    $WarrantyCheck = 0


Remediation Script (Script Language : Powershell)


Import-Module BITSTransfer
$WarrantyFile = $ComputerName + ".csv"
$SourceFile = "http://<NameofyourCASorPrimaryServer>/WarrantyInformation/$WarrantyFile"
$DestFile = "C:\Windows\temp\$WarrantyFile"

Start-BitsTransfer -source $SourceFile -destination $DestFile

if (get-childitem $DestFile)
    $WarrantyInfo = Import-Csv $DestFile

    Get-WmiObject WarrantyDetails | Remove-WmiObject

    [void](Set-WmiInstance -Path \\.\root\cimv2:WarrantyDetails -Arguments @{SerialNumber=$WarrantyInfo.SerialNumber;ProductNumber=$WarrantyInfo.ProductCode;WarrantyDate=$WarrantyInfo.WarrantyDate;WarrantyInfo=$WarrantyInfo.WarrantyInfo})
    Remove-Item $DestFile -force

And finally, we need to specify a Compliance Rule
  • Make sure the Rule Type is Value, and the the Value Equals 1
  •  Tick the box for Run the specified remediation script...and save

 And to test, run Powershell and run the command Get-WMIObject -class WarrantyDetail and you should now see the stored warranty information...ah, mine has expired :(


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