If however you want to specifically return registry keys, then this is also possible.
What we'll end up with is this:
1st thing to do is create the new class. So, on your central CAS server (or your Primary server if you only have this) browse to your SCCM 2012 Installation Folder (usually C:\Program Files\Microsoft Configuration Manager\inboxes\clifiles.src\hinv. Locate the file called configuration.mof and edit this (flat text file)
Browse to the end of the file and add in the following:
#pragma namespace ("\\\\.\\root\\cimv2")
#pragma deleteclass("XXXRegistryValues", NOFAIL)
Class XXXRegistryValues
[key] string KeyName="";
String String;
Uint32 Integer;
So here we're creating the 3 fields that will show up in the HW inventory screen above, Keyname (string and the key), String (string field) for any text values and Integer (uint32 field) for any numerical data
Next we want to add 1 or more entries for each registry key you want to retrieve.
For example:
//Return the installed version of Powershell
Instance of XXXRegistryValues
,Dynamic,Provider("RegPropProv")] String;
//Return the registered WSUS server for the device
Instance of XXXRegistryValues
,Dynamic,Provider("RegPropProv")] String;
and so on... add as many as you need.
Before you save the file, load up CMTRACE and watch the log file
<SCCMInstallFolder>\Logs\dataldr.log and you'll see the configuration.mof file be processed once its saved. And again, as with the custom WMI classes, you'll see new tables appear in the SQL database, in the case above dbo.XXXRegistryValues_DATA and dbo.XXXRegistryValues_HIST, as well as views referencing these tables.
We now need to create a MOF file to import into SCCM to make it available via the Hardware Inventory.
Create a new text file and add the following:
#pragma namespace ("\\\\.\\root\\cimv2\\SMS")
#pragma deleteclass("RLGRegistryValues", NOFAIL)
Class XXXRegistryValues: SMS_Class_Template
[SMS_Report(FALSE),key] string KeyName;
[SMS_Report(FALSE)] string String;
[SMS_Report(FALSE)] Uint32 Integer;
Safe this as a file with a .MOF extension somewhere. We will now add the class to the Default Client Settings Hardware Classes - almost identical process to the one used for Custom WMI Classes.
Updating SCCM Client Base Classes for Hardware Inventory
Run the SCCM Management Console
- Click on Administration Section
- Click on Client Settings
- Right click on Default Client Settings, then properties (Has to be the default one to select the new class). If you have additional client settings you can enable and disable the class for collection afterwards, but it must first be selected via the Default Client Settings
- Click Hardware Inventory
- Click Set Classes and you'll see the following screen
- This time, click the Import button, and browse to the .MOF file we've just created above and click Open and you should see the results below
- Click Import to complete
- As a default the class won't be selected on the Hardware Inventory Classes screen. Either select the box to enable it for all devices (since we're editing the Default Client Settings) or OK out of this screen and edit your relevant Client Settings and enable as desired.
Wonderful, thanks a lot.